Run Breckland Euston Estate Marathon

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Date(s) - 04/05/2025
All Day

Euston Hall Estate


Child friendly: No

Ticket Prices: £27.00

Telephone Number: 07885331566


This marathon follows a two lap course around the grounds of the Euston Hall Estate. Meeting from 8am at IP24 2QW, just inside the white gates of the estate ready for a 9am start. There is parking at the venue, but please carshare wherever you can as space is limited.
Sorry, but no under 16s.
We will have volunteer marshals at various checkpoints with drinks and snacks, and two-way radio operators and first aiders on duty (just in case!).
There will be a mass start, and runners will be chip timed around an undulating and mixed terrain (comprising sand, stones, grass, tarmac, woodland tracks and all sorts of lumps and bumps) and, depending on the weather, there may be tricky parts including mud and puddles, but there’s no cut off time so no need to feel you have to rush it. Headphones are allowed, but please remove them on the few on-road sections).
There will be a bespoke medal for all finishers.
This event has been registered with the 100 Marathon Club.
If you have any questions please email
Any profit will be used to set up future Run Breckland events, and to fund local charities and good causes by way of charitable grants.
We are proud to be working with our partners at the Euston Estate and Norfolk Water.

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