Facilitation Lab HQ with Voltage Control: Practice Playground

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Date(s) - 25/07/2024
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm



Child friendly: No

Ticket Prices: Free

Telephone Number: 512-766-9125

Website: https://voltagecontrol.com/events/facilitation-lab-hq-15/

Join us at Practice Playground, where facilitators come together to explore, experiment, and evolve their craft.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, this lab offers an unparalleled opportunity to practice in real-time, receive constructive feedback, and learn from peers. Come prepared to practice a variety of facilitation techniques, from traditional methods to cutting-edge approaches. The environment is designed to be safe, supportive, and conducive to growth, allowing you to try new strategies, fine-tune your skills, and gain confidence in your facilitation abilities.

– Impromptu Networking: Start with connections to meet other community members.
– Idea Marketplace & Voting: Share practice areas and growth opportunities, then vote on the top ones.
– Practice & Role Play: Take turns facilitating methods or role-playing real-life facilitation scenarios.
– Reflect, Debrief, & Commit: End with quiet reflection, group debriefing, and setting solo commitments.

Enhance your facilitation skills, share insights, and connect with a community dedicated to continuous learning and improvement. Don’t miss out!

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