CFIMA 2025——2025 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation

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Date(s) - 22/08/2025 - 24/08/2025
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Wuhan, China


Child friendly: No

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CFIMA 2025——2025 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation
August 22- 24, 2025 | Wuhan, China

Publication Information
All submitted papers will be sent to 2-3 peer reviewers for reviewing. And accepted and presented papers will be included in CFIMA 2025 Conference Proceedings and published by, which will be indexed by major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.

Conference Program
August 22: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
August 23: Opening Ceremony + KN Speech + Sessions
August 24: Technical Sessions + Half day tour/Lab tours

Paper Submission
Submit Via CMT:

Contact Us
Ms. Sukki Jiang

Topics of Interest
Intelligent Manufacturing
Automation in Manufacturing
Digital Manufacturing (CAx, CAPP, MES, DES,)
Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Manufacturing and Service Systems
Manufacturing Education and Training
Manufacturing Paradigms (FMS, RMS, Lean, Agile, etc.)
Manufacturing Systems and Technologies
Manufacturing Technology and Processes
Integrated Product and Production Development
Social Aspects, Health, and Safety in Manufacturing
Social Media in Manufacturing
The Internet-of-Things in Manufacturing

Optimization and Decision-making
End-of-Life Management and Reverse Logistics
Green and Lean Supply Chains, Logistics, and Procurement
Knowledge, Change, and Risk Management
Production Planning and Scheduling
Total Quality Management

Intelligent Systems
Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
Intelligent Information Systems
Intelligent Manufacturing Applications
Sensor-Based Process Monitoring and Control
Modular and Configurable Structures and Development Processes
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Machine Vision

Cybernetics and Robotics
Industrial Robotics, Automation, and Process Control
Medical Equipment and Healthcare Systems
Micro, Nano and Desktop Manufacturing
Modeling and Simulation
Process Control
Flexible Robots
Soft Robots
Medical Robots
Advanced Control Theory

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