Baking Focaccia Art Masterpieces

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Date(s) - 10/10/2024
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

UA-PTC Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute


Child friendly: No

Ticket Prices: $75

Telephone Number: (501)812-2200, ext 3407


Focaccia bread is delicious to eat and with this class, it will be fun to make! Chef Kelli Marks – the 2024 National American Culinary Federation Pastry Chef of the Year – will teach you how to make a basic focaccia bread, how to add in flavors, and make a yummy dipping sauce. For this class, we will be stepping things up and making focaccia bread art with vegetables and herbs. Leave with recipes and your masterpiece of [bread] art, plus the skills and confidence to WOW friends and family as you create your own fabulous focaccia work of art for the next dinner gathering!

For more culinary and baking classes, check out our site:

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