Asian Cuisine Cooking Class: Kimchi & Bulgogi – Savory Korean Treats

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Date(s) - 09/10/2024
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

UA-PTC Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute


Child friendly: No

Ticket Prices: $75

Telephone Number: (501)812-2200, ext 3407


Making Kimchi is a tradition of every Korean family. For people on the outside looking in, the process seems complicated and time consuming, but don’t worry! Chef Joy will break down every step and help you make your own perfectly crunchy and savory Kimchi. Even better, this class will also teach you how to make the popular, delectable Korean dish of marinated Bulgogi! Kimchi AND Bulgogi in one take! It doesn’t get any better than this. Come and join us for this wonderful culinary experience!

Asian Cuisine Series Deals! There are 6 classes to choose from within this Asian cooking series. Individually, each class costs $75 per registrant, but there are discount options available if you’d like to sign up for multiple classes. For more information as well as other culinary and baking classes, check out our site:

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